Interested in supporting the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science?  One of the most important ways to help is to contact your state legislator and express support for the school or more specifically, to invite them to the annual Capitol Day event.  It is scheduled to be held this year on February 7, 2017, at 8 AM in the Rotunda at the Mississippi Capital.  This is an opportunity for supporters of MSMS to talk about the value of MSMS to legislators and staffers. Why is this important? The original legislators who advocated for MSMS are gone. With important question being asked about the funding of public schools in Mississippi, it's important that we reach out to the current legislators and let them know how important the school is to Mississippi. 

Find Your Legislator

Not sure who your legislator is or how to contact them?  Go to, enter your address, and click through to your individual state senator and representative.  Contact information is included, and you can likely click on each's email address to open a new email message on your computer/smartphone.   

Email Them

Feel free to use the following template for your email. 

Dear Representative/Senator ________.

(In your first paragraph include your personal information) I was very fortunate to attend the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science and graduated in (graduation year). The education I received there enabled me to (go to a certain school/  have a certain career/ win a lot of scholarships/ etc). I am very appreciative that the Mississippi Legislature established the school in 1989 and continued to fund this amazing opportunity for excellence in the intervening years.

(Include facts) MSMS is one of the crown jewels of Mississippi's education system.  It has been ranked one of the top 100 high schools in the country for three years in a row and graduates numerous National Merit Scholars, Gates Millennium Scholars, and other award winning students each year.  The state of Mississippi has also benefited from MSMS - according to 2015 alumni survey, Mississippi earns more than $10 for each $1 spent by the legislature annually on MSMS.  Unfortunately, flat funding for the past eight years, combined with escalating costs due in part to mandatory teacher raises, have forced MSMS to drastically reduce its student body to 235 from 300 to make ends meet.   

(State what you are asking for) I ask that you support MSMS by voting to increase its funding by at least $500,000 so that students and the state's economy can continue to benefit from the STEM focused education it provides.   Supporters of MSMS will be holding a Capitol Day on February 7th starting at 8 AM in the Rotunda.  I hope you can find the time to stop by, grab some breakfast, and learn more about the school. 

Bonus Round - Call!

Legislators also appreciate phone calls!  Don't worry about having an eloquent speech or spending a lot of time on the phone with their staff - the most important aspects are to state you are a constituent and that you hope they will support MSMS and attend our Capitol Day.